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AquaSox Come Out Ready to Rumble with the Ponies, Get Tossed in the Trash by Pandas in Split

By Captain Keke, 10/02/23, 7:00PM CDT


Rumble Ponies – 3 vs. AquaSox – 10

With Captain Keke and unofficial Co-Captain Stutzy back from a previous weekend of debauchery, the AquaSox were feeling froggy and up for the challenge of taking on two very good teams.  First up was rookie captain Andy Hoelscher’s Rumble Ponies.

Justin Reed got things going for the Ponies in the top of the 1st with a solo shot.  But to that lead, the AquaSox would say naaay.  Leadoff man Jacob Morris singled, Stutz hit a deep fly that was mishandled, and then Joey Welter hit a line drive off the fence for a single.  Yes, you read that right.  A single off the fence, cause that’s what speed do. Brian Osgood would send another run home on a sac fly, then Nick “Boom Boom” Croce would plate 2 more on a line drive single. One more run would score on a Mark Morris RBI single.  AquaSox up 5-1 after 1.

Innings 2 through 6 were relatively quiet, but the AquaSox still made a little noise.  Os-great hit a 2 RBI double in the 2nd, sub Larry Goldstein got one more across with a fielder’s choice in the 3rd, and Welter added solo shots in the 4th and 6th innings.  AquaSox up 10-1.

The Rumble Ponies refused to lie down, mounting some offense in the 7th, but it would only equate to 2 more runs with the AquaSox taking the victory 10-3.

This huge win spoke more to the stellar pitching of “Boom Boom” Croce and excellent team defense (most notably Chase Chambers at SS and Jacob Morris in LCF) than it did to the bats of Hoelscher’s Rumble Ponies.

AquaSox – 1 vs. Trash Pandas – 9

Next up the AquaSox had a very tall task…hand Scott Greenberg’s Trash Pandas their first loss of the season.  Unfortunately, that task was a bit too tall as the Pandas took us out to the trash.

Scott Greenberg pitched a gem using a cross wind to paint the corners, their defense was essentially flawless, and our bats cooled off a bit as well.  Those things combined with consistent offense from the opponent led to Captain Keke’s AquaSox taking the L with a score of 1-9.